About Nova

I don't really know who's dorkier in that photo, but I think it represents who I am and what I believe in. Sleep standing up with your tongue out and all weirdly dry and wrinkly if that's what you like to do! Wear a hood while indoors, because why not? Take selfies with your dog. Do what you like to do.

I like to write. I've been blogging for around seven years, I'm kind of half-assed working on a weird fiction novel on and off, and I've just launched a small (tiny, miniscule, etc) business writing flash fiction based on stranger's photographs. I learned all kinds of literary devices and language peculiarities while studying Linguistics and eventually obtaining my degree in Hispanic Studies. (Basically the equivalent of an English degree...only in Spanish. There was a lot of literature analysis and poetry reading, believe you me.) I have a huge love for reading and an even huger dedication to sharing far too much online.

So here we are. I have a personal blog but it's not enough for me anymore. I want to get a bit more serious, try new things and meet like-minded people out there in the world with a passion for language, art, and the art of language. Just kidding, that was like the most pretentious sentence I've ever written. Sorry about that.

So anyway, in conclusion, be my internet friend.

Your pal,
Nova "Rella"

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